
Social Fixer for Facebook

Social Fixer is filled with features to make your Facebook experience better. Filter posts in the news feed by content, author, link url, and more

Launcher for Facebook™

Launcher for Facebook™ is a simple extension to improve the user experience when you use Facebook on desktop. The quick start button opens a small window that ...

Meta Pixel Helper

Overview. The Pixel Helper is a Chrome Browser extension that runs in the background to automatically reviews websites for Meta Pixel code.

5 大下載Facebook 影片的Chrome 擴充功能推薦

瀏覽Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、YouTube 等網站的影片並下載吧! chrome 擴充功能savefrom.net video downloader. Chrome 使用者可以用這款工具下載Facebook 私人影片。

將Facebook的廣告貼文擋掉的chrome extension


17 Useful Chrome Extensions for Social Media Managers

These 17 Chrome extensions for social media managers help you with image optimization, hashtag research or data analysis.

Removing browser add-ons or extensions

Learn how to remove add-ons (such as plugins and extensions) from your browser.

Install and Uninstall the Meta Pixel Helper

Install the Pixel Helper · Go to the Chrome web store. · Search for Meta Pixel Helper in the search bar. · Click Add to Chrome. · Click Add extension in the popup.

Google Chrome

From managing your daily tasks to finding the best deals while shopping — there are tons of extensions on the Chrome Web Store, but 12 stood out to us in 2024 ...

Facebook Flat Chrome Extension

評分 4.8 (140) With the Facebook Flat Google Chrome Extension the experience of visiting Facebook is a lot different. Discover a new design and interface on Facebook.


SocialFixerisfilledwithfeaturestomakeyourFacebookexperiencebetter.Filterpostsinthenewsfeedbycontent,author,linkurl,andmore,LauncherforFacebook™isasimpleextensiontoimprovetheuserexperiencewhenyouuseFacebookondesktop.Thequickstartbuttonopensasmallwindowthat ...,Overview.ThePixelHelperisaChromeBrowserextensionthatrunsinthebackgroundtoautomaticallyreviewswebsitesforMetaPixelcode.,瀏覽Facebook、Ins...
